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Pet First Aid and CPR

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Paws Pet Pad is proud partner with

Walks 'N' Wags

and offers Pet First aid and CPR

Perfect for pet owners and professionals.

Come learn, live-saving skills & immediate actions to take in an emergency.

Topics include:

 Animal CPR

Addressing choking emergencies

Bandaging techniques for various bleeding wounds,

How to safely approach and transport an injured animal,

Recognizing signs of common illness and injury,

And much, much more!


Upcoming class: TBD.

Class is 10am to 3pm both days. Attendance to both days is required for certification.

Cost: $160 plus tax

Location - Paws Pet Pad, Leduc

Instructor: Katie Whitebone, CPDT-KA, DBTMc, B. Sc. Spec

To book or inquire more about this class:

Please email katie@pawspetpad.ca or call 7809008639 ext 3 or info@pawspetpad.ca

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